Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Result Of This Painting Is Undecided

Peeking Sparrow

I started this painting a few posts back and I'm still undecided about it. I used a photo I had taken but decided to add the bird and take out a few of the twigs and simplify it. The plant needs more values and it just seems flat. I also realized I didn't enjoy painting on the canvas board. The texture just felt unnatural to me. I had 2 boards at the time so I will give it a try with another painting. I'll keep this and work on it more later. In the meantime I found some watercolor paper and started a new project with a plant that grows here in my area that has fascinated me. I had to call the nursery here to find out that they are a native of South Africa called "Leucadendron". Here is the photo of the plant and the start of  the painting. 

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