Monday, November 30, 2015

One More Glazing and It's Done

So yesterday I put a glaze over the painting and it felt like the turtle was a little more in it's environment. I noticed that it needed more the the dark background around the turtle's body to give it more punch. After that I decided one more glaze over the painting will finish it nicely. I'll give it a few days to dry before doing that. In the meantime off to do another series of birds of northern California. I'll post that here in a day or two.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Family Emergency And Getting Back To My Turtle

I can't believe I've been gone so long from painting and blogging. I had a family emergency that took me to Michigan for almost a month then trying to get back to a routine again has for the most part been difficult.

I started on my turtle earlier in September and here is where I'm at now. The turtle seems to sit on top of the painting and not in it, so I'm going to paint a glaze on it which will have the turtle be part of the environment it's in. I will finish it tomorrow and post the final results.